Hall A1 - Rubber Street - A15-16
Key export markets: China, Japan, Malaysia, South Korean, Taiwan, Vietnam
Main material: Walnut, Poplar, Oak, Birch, Beech, Ash
Certificates: Others
For over 25 years the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) has been at the forefront of international wood promotion, successfully building a distinctive and creative brand for U.S. hardwoods. AHEC’s global programme of activities secures a future for American hardwoods by demonstrating the performance and aesthetic potential of these sustainable materials, while providing valuable creative inspiration and technical advice.

Company Information:
Address: Rm 2005, 20/F, Lippo Centre Tower 1, 89 Queensway Rd, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
Phone: [email protected]
Over due
Please contact via Hotline (+08) 987 980 859 for booking a space