White Palace - Grand A - Acacia Street - AA121-AA137
Key export markets: China, Japan, USA, Vietnam
Key Products: Wood Materials and Panels
Main material: Yellow Cedar, Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock, Spruce-Pine-FIR, Douglas-Fir
Certificates: PEFC CoC, FSC CoC
Canadian Wood Vietnam is a non-trading and market development agency of British Columbia, Canada. We focus on expanding opportunities for Canadian Wood in Vietnam. Canadian species have excellent working properties and are an ideal material for furniture manufacturing. Our wood is high-quality and PEFC/FSC certified from sustainably managed forests.
Our signature program is TRY CANADIAN WOOD – a program that provides small quantities of wood for product trials, so manufacturers can become more familiar with the properties and workability of Canadian softwoods.
Our team is comprised of wood and sourcing experts who help manufacturers select the right species and grades for the right applications.

Company Information:
Address: 17th Floor-Becamex Tower 230 Binh Duong Blvd, Vietnam
Factory address: N/A